Rocky Boiman: radio host, sports commentator and all around great conservative, gives his impression of George Brunemann.


Hey folks, Rocky Boiman here, asking you to consider voting for George Brunemann this election cycle. George has been a friend and someone I've known for well over the past decade. Within that time I've seen him be nothing but an ardent supporter and fighter for conservative causes from top to bottom. So that's number one.

But also, George has played an integral role in the reelection process of conservative leaders that we've enjoyed in this area for a long, long time, namely Steve Chabot and Rob Portman. He's been very, very helpful.

George is someone who is wicked smart. He's passionate and dedicated about what he does.

But most importantly, George is genuine. What you see is what you get. He's not been trying to climb some political ladder for the past decade like a lot of politicians do. He's jumping in this thing because he wants an increased role in fighting for you, and for this country, and for this community that he has grown up in and been a part of a long, long time.

I'm asking you to consider voting for George Brunemann. Thank you and God bless.

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Contact Info

Brunemann Friends Of Liberty
7237 Austin Woods Lane
Cincinnati, OH  45247