George Brunemann represents what happens when an honest person has the courage to run for political office. His opponent, Cindy Abrams, has spent twice what George has for his entire campaign on just the media portion of her campaign.  The opposition is hoping to overpower any productive debate on issues with unending noise.

The truth is quite simple.  We need to say NO to the Professional Politicians and YES to someone willing to dig into the problems and make constructive change.

The difference between George Brunemann and his opponent could not be clearer than the contrast between their most recent Campaign Finance reports.  (You can search for these at ).

  Brunemann Opponent
 Balance on hand 2/28/2024  $19,915.68 $193,758.48
 Jan-Feb 2024 Contributions plus In Kind $40,448.79  $178,155.71
Percent of Contributions from PACs  0.74%  82.42%
Number of Individuals and Average Donation 85 - $350.76 38 - $686.71
Expenditures Total < $50,000 > $300,000
Media buy on behalf of candidate $0 $94,732.91


This should frighten every voter looking for a candidate that will represent the will of the people.

George Brunemann is not a "professional politician".  He is someone trying to take an active role in solving the problems in Ohio.

His opponent is beholden to the PACs and lobbyists that control her donations and to the "Ohio House Republican Alliance" that is advocating on behalf of all the representatives that joined the Democrats in selecting the House Speaker and the agenda for the legislation.

Professional politicians are destroying our state with out of control spending, evidenced by the > $94K media blitz shows the extent to which they will go to hold onto power.

You have a choice:  Business as usual in Columbus or honesty, integrity and commitment to the taxpaying voter.

On March 19th it is time to say "NO" to Cindy Abrams and the Professional Politicians - VOTE FOR GEORGE!

We need your help!

Contact Info

Brunemann Friends Of Liberty
7237 Austin Woods Lane
Cincinnati, OH  45247